1) As long as you have the Neeah Chrome Browser Extension downloaded in the Google Chrome browser - browse as you normally would – go to your favorite sites; click on links, open up tabs, conduct searches in your favorite search engine – the Neeah Web Extension is always working. 

2) When you find yourself needing something you've previously read, search from Neeah.com or right from the drop-down from the Neeah Chrome Web Extension. Search results will come straight from your Neeah personal archive - no more wading through the entire internet. Alternatively, just search from your favorite search engine and the Neeah extension will automatically alert you that you have “X” number of related documents in your Neeah personal history. 

(Remember, since you start with an empty history, Neeah's usefulness increases over time, so just browse as you normally would and Neeah will be there when you need it)